Gâteau aux betteraves et au chocolat fondu


Melted chocolate Beet Cake

Frédéric Thériault

You're in for a treat with this beet and melted chocolate cake recipe that combines the sweetness of chocolate with the earthy flavor of beets. An irresistible treat that's sure to satisfy you and your guests!

Delicious Pumpkin or Squash Cake

Frédéric Thériault

Here is a recipe for a delicious and festive pumpkin cake that's sure to become a fall/winter favorite. This moist and flavorful cake is topped with a creamy and tangy cream cheese frosting, making it the perfect dessert for any occasion. Pumpkin is a versatile and flavorful ingredient that adds...

Stuffed chard leaves

Shopify API1 comment

12 chard leaves1 cup onions, finely chopped3 Tbsp butter1 Tbsp sugar1 Tbsp salt1 Tbsp pepper1.5 cups rice0.5 cups chopped fresh herbs (such as dill and parsley)lemon juice1.5-2 cups chicken brotholive oil In a bowl, put large, perfect chard leaves from which you have trimmed the stems and back ribs. Salt,...

Kale Tanzanienne

Shopify API

▪ 1 botte de kale lavée et grossièrement tranchée ▪ 1 petit oignon hâché ▪ 1/2 à 1 tasse de lait de coco, au goût ▪ 1/2 tasse d’arachides (de préférence non-salées: ça ferait beaucoup de sel!) ▪ Un curry (cari) commercial, au goût ▪ Un corps gras: huile d’olive,...