at Tourne-Sol cooperative farm

at Tourne-Sol cooperative farm

we offer organic and ethical market garden products and seeds


our goal is to feed our community, bring you closer to farming, and create a strong food network

Visit our store
Paniers bio

NEW Delivery Points !!!

in Ste-Anne and Vaudreuil

For our organic basket program

Learn more!

Taste the difference!

Organic seeds!

Organic seeds!

Organic veggie baskets

Organic veggie baskets


Organic baskets

Fresh, flexible and delicious!

learn more

Gardening Guides

For Free!

Gardening A-Z

Potato Growing

Garlic Growing

How to manage Squirrels !

I want the guides

Téléchargez notre calendrier des paniers bio!

À quelle récolte et diversité de légumes pouvez-vous vous attendre à différents moments de la saison dans nos paniers bio?

Téléchargez notre calendrier pour le savoir!

Donnez-moi le calendrier!
Calendrier recoltes tourne sol   juillet  1

Discover our Seeds!